Raul Ricardo Bull
Table of Contents



The model below shows the primary rough design idea of the addition and remodeling of the restaurant and night club. Not shown are the landscaping features. Model made with balsa, chipboard and foam board base. The balsa represents the new structures and the chipboard represents the existing 'Chickee Hut'. The function of model to quickly have a three dimensional representation of the drawings for client's review and approval. Time to produce model: 4 hours. This model was the approved one of the two made. An existing Cuban nightclub in un-incorporated Miami-Dade County. I drafted the complete architectural drawings for remodeling and addtition of the facility.

The concrete formwork follows the curves drafted in the construction documents exactly. This was achieved by providing the shell contractor with radii of the arcs to produce the formwork. Architectural design of shapes and hues done by William R. Lane, AIA.

(c) Copyright 2005 by Raul Ricardo Bull