Raul Ricardo Bull
Design Studios


Design One

This introductory class was my first archiectural design course in college.

My intent is to divide the groundsheet into six shapes using black and white. I wish the shapes to represent objects that may or may not have mass. The effect is that white represents light and black represents shadow or lack of light reaching that area of space on the groundsheet.

My intent, in this composition, is to invoke a sense of balance using five black shapes on a white background. The effect I wish is for the viewer to feel that the figures are balanced with one another. The visual weight of each figure commands for its independence and yet creates a dependency in its adjacent figure so as not to have the composition collapse.

My intent is to have the eye focus on the central figure using five white shapes on a black background. The effect is to keep the eye in the center and compare the center rectangle to the other figures. The rectangle, with its sides parallel to the edges of the groundsheet, fragile yet a symbol of perfection in contrast to the four quadrilaterals, is the superior figure in design of shape where centralization gives it prominence.

My intent is to break up a square into different shapes and position them together in a pleasing pattern. The effect is for the viewer to see some figure not easily recognizable upon first glance.

My intent is to break up a square into three different parts and position them so that the original square is still discernable. The effect is for the viewer to see some kind of slight radiating elements from the upper right and perhaps an upreaching, level by level, scheme.

(c) Copyright 2005 by Raul Ricardo Bull